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2022-10-22 12:39:30五年级访问手机版271

The love on the world nowhere is absent, it is beautiful and not ordinary, it is happy and not drab, and mother love is the greatest. A word had existed in my heart very long very long.


Remember me one day that finishing class of take lessons after school, originally fine sky, suddenly issued cloudburst, ethereal rain, as be being hit on the ground like silver-colored line, the ground is very fast by wringing, I am looking at a window outside, can't help be anxious secretly in the heart: How didn't I take an umbrella to do?


Classessed are over, classmates exposed his body gradually, god is extremely sad, tear sheds more more, at this moment I felt loneliness. Be in at this moment you are lifting an umbrella to run toward me, my be overjoyed. One holds mom in arms, you are laughing at full marks / say: “ we come home. ”“ hum. ”


All the way you go to the umbrella I here tilt. I discovered, say: “ mom umbrella can block arrives my body. ” is saying me to go to the umbrella you there move. You reply: “ does not have a thing. ” goes to the umbrella again me here move, return the home eventually, on the shoulder that I see you drenched, the hair is wet also.


I some feel distressed, you are smiling to say: “ does not have a thing. ” lies between a day, you had a fever with respect to the cold. You are dragging the body of overworked, there is a smile for me on gaunt face, I feel very ashamed remorses.


The thing that experienced so much hid long already word that sentence to speak out to you eventually: “ mom, I love you! ”
