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2022-10-14 05:33:07五年级访问手机版127

The Song Baihuan inside revolutionary cemetery of revolutionary martyrs is circled, green shade quiet and full garden, majestic, we visit Wan Re today the mood —— of cemetery of revolutionary martyrs is solemn and respectful, touch.


Martyr, one allows the term that person admire touchs again. Those who live in peaceful time we had forgotten this term it seems that, good and easy and comfortable life makes our heart medium have intense emotion rarely. But that day look around, the blood that lets me boils again.


Come a few years, the consecratory spirit of revolutionary martyr is thorough already popular feeling, this kind of consecratory spirit reflected the mental scene of China children and revolutionary fight. We bow before the grave of martyr, that is not everyday bow, that is to be full of a devoir, turn that is full of affection bend forward. We presented a flower, that is to condensing us infinite affective a bundle of flower. Right now, probably martyr also is in look at us, look at us such generation are new Chinese children, how will fulfil the mission of their unfinished.


The meaning of life depends on acting according to a composition / display, the sense with greater life depends on paying everything his for people, and even life. Liu Guan one, Guo Jiafang is waited a moment, still a lot of do not make go up the heroic soldier of the name lets me shake! Martyr eternal life, noble spirit lives forever! I ever suspected outstanding eternal life, but gather together when the spirit of hopeful and open-minded, sturdy belief, altruistic dedication a person or on a flock of person when, that is eternal life!


Martyr people had left us, unscramble them, can pass only an epitaph, a graveyard. From had gone near them, as if the severe test that accepted life. Learn this, sublimate our inner world, let us experience revolutionary martyr clearly people heroic lofty quality, deep-felt experience arrives today's life hard-earned. Here, acknowledgment teachers give me the chance of this study.


Countless revolutionary martyr people —— hello! We are in to look with reverence of your sincerity ground, we can learn greeting forever to your —— more!
