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2022-10-12 15:38:13五年级访问手机版292


In this the awaken of spring abundant in March, having an extraordinary day ——3 month 5 days, learn fete of thunder sharp edge. Guide in mom's intention below, the seed that learns Lei Feng already was stealthily in my heart budding, I small also know the force that depends on my to help others!


Often listen to people to be away on official business with “ Lei Feng 1000 lis, the favour did one train ” to praise Uncle Lei Feng, how be just learn Lei Feng to do a good work? Be to should do Lei Feng of very great meddlesome ability mathematics? I am being taken greatly go asking mother questioningly. Mom answer says: “ learns Lei Feng to do a favour to be absent issue major issue is small, want to help others by right of his force only, do a good work namely, we also want to insist to learn Lei Feng to do a good work in everyday life. ” the inclination that I have only vague idea.


On the weekend in the morning, I and mom take a walk in the park when, see an environmental sanitation is versed in great grandfather is bending a waist to clearing scatter in green on the road rubbish, great grandfather every clear a few rubbish should remove a waist to beat continuously, it is afflictive very. I decide to want to help great grandfather of labour of this environmental sanitation secretly. I ask mother: “ mom, I can help to great grandfather? ” mom is smiling to nod.


I run to the side of great grandfather rapidly, join his clean rank, the rubbish on Xiang Ludao hits out. I am in charge of clearing useless full marks / abandon the conspicuous rubbish such as towel of bottle, paper, great grandfather is in charge of the rubbish such as butt and block, cooperate with division of labour in ours below, green line restored very quickly unvarnished, the small grass on the side is in of cool breeze sway next carrying to smile to sun farther-in-law at first. The grandfather is laughing to thank me to say: “ child, thank you to help me clear rubbish, you are a small Lei Feng really! I answer ” happily say: “ you're welcome, great grandfather. Although ” helps clear rubbish is a bit tired, but can help great grandfather, tired it is worthiness, also make a person cheerful!


Going up with mom the way home, my agitato says: “ mom, I helped great grandfather by right of my force today, I feel very happy, I am a small Lei Feng! ” mom says: “ hum! It is not difficult to learn Lei Feng to do a good work actually, want us to help another person in the dribs and drabs of the life only, help the classmate that encounters difficult problem solve for example, collect gold to give owner of lost property or teacher, help an old person up to cross driveway …… the small Lei Feng that you also can become a qualification! Ground of ” my firmly remembers mom's word in the heart.


Through mom's guiding, “ learns Lei Feng to do meddlesome ” in the brain that these 6 words had engraved in me deeply, I should have a heart that find pleasure to help others, the power that uses oneself goes helping another person, become the small Lei Feng of a qualification hard!
