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2022-09-27 17:35:08五年级访问手机版277


What is the real situation? The real situation is altruistic dedication, the real situation is genuine friendship, the love …… that the real situation is chasteness is beside us, have the real situation everywhere.


A day be on me 3 grade then, I learn in the classroom, but the day June, the child's face, say to change, abrupt, I heard the sound that rumble rumbles, heard rainstorm then sound. Ah, bad, heavy rain fell outside, my heart thinks, still a moment ago was in relief bright fawn on, how to rain? How to do? Father mother is occupied, classes are over will receive me, I did not carry an umbrella again, how to classes are over to should come home? I very feel puzzled.


Classes are over, I stand in school gate mouth, see classmates each is maintaining umbrella to go, I am anxious extremely. Abrupt, I see Mr. Li walks over toward me, mr. Li affectionately says: “ rain is new, classessed are over, how don't you come home! I say ” sadly, father mother has a composition today / the issue cannot receive me, I cannot take away umbrella Mr. ……” your teacher to come over again, cuddle wears my shoulder says: I send “ you come home! ” I shake my head say: Mr. “ , we are different road, still calculated! Mr. ” is laughing to say: “ that such, I give you umbrella, yourself comes home! I look for an umbrella to the school again. ” was saying a teacher to hand me umbrella, looking at the teacher's amiable countenance, hear the teacher's kind speech to know, I feel very warm, mr. Li handed me umbrella, still enjoin the caution on my road, say, she poured rain directly in, school of hasty ground face goes. I look at Mr. Li far the form that go, look at this umbrella, immediately my eye blurred.


I had been the student of 5 grade nowadays, in the time that there is rain in each, the teacher —— that I can remember me Mr. Li. Remember the teacher is helped to mine, feel warm to warm in my heart.
