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2022-09-19 14:36:08五年级访问手机版357


Dinosaur is the mankind before regnant earth, earthly dictate person, it appears in about -1444759936 years. Magical however finally disappeared. But people is holding strong interest all the time however to them. People knew everything dinosaurian from dinosaurian fossil.


Dinosaurian cent grass is fed and feed fleshy dinosaur. Some grass feed dinosaur to be killed to prevent those who feed fleshy dinosaur to chase after, they also are in ceaseless evolution. Rate of their some ran is rapidder and rapidder, some grew hard “ armor ” . For instance stegosaurus, their back is spur completely, also have even the tail. If delimit dinosaurian, it is deadly biff, because cut can be affected, cause death. Armour dragon also calls Baotou dragon, have on the body 3 times harder than tank housing. The tail has to compare the ” of “ steel ball with a bit bigger football. If encounter danger to be able to be atttacked, also meet even bone in the composition that be attacked. Emu dragon is the dinosaur with dinosaurian bound the fastest ran, speed per hour can exceed 60 kilometre.

恐龙分草食和食肉恐龙。有些草食恐龙为了防止食肉恐龙的追杀,它们也在不断进化。它们有的跑步速度越来越快,有的则长出了坚硬的“铠甲”。比如剑龙,它们的背部全是骨刺,连尾巴也有。如果划到恐龙,都是致命一击,因为伤口会感染,导致死亡。甲龙也叫包头龙,身上有比坦克坚硬三倍的壳。尾巴 有一个比足球大一点的“钢球”。如果遇到危险可以攻击,被击作文中连骨头也会断了。鸸鹋龙是恐龙界跑步最快的恐龙,时速可超过60千米。

Dragon of Xiang Yu the Conqueror is the ferallest, the most atrocious dinosaur that eat the meat. The sharp tooth on the mouth is enough give crunch character. In carnivorous dinosaur, swift and violent dragon catchs prey the cleverest. They unite to prey, they use U model outflank, change D surround, last clubs blast catch kill. Allow any prey there is no escape.


But dinosaur is abrupt between disappeared, it is a strange phenomenon. The scientist guesses the likelihood is outside the aerolite of aerospace drops the earth. Bring about climate fantasticality, and do not live.


Dinosaur is the earthly overlord that did not appear in the mankind, already became fossil however nowadays. But the mankind stops without disappear to dinosaurian interest however, want to know the fact that why dinosaur disappears suddenly all the time.
