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2022-11-30 18:32:08四年级访问手机版164

Grabbing a chair is a kind of particularly exciting game, because grab chair game already test reaction ability, test is dedicated ability.


Above all, you should prepare a few chairs first, and should place chair back back into circuit, return so that prepare an acoustics again next. Acoustics, the person that plays game is about to begin to turn round these chairs, acoustics closes, everybody should sit to the chair. The amount that compares a person because of the amount of the chair is little, that did not sit the person on the chair can be washed out.


Game began! The first round of moment, my mood is very nervous, music stops to did not grab a chair immediately actually. But, I see on the horse a person also has not grabbed a chair, this proves, still having a chair certainly is empty! Then I lock up calm sky chair immediately, took that place. Ha, simply too alarmingly dangerous! Pass one round another round fall into disuse, I entered finals. And very artful is music when stopping, I just am on the side of the chair, I am decisive sit down. Finally, I obtained the first.


What I feel to grab chair game to compare is brave and decisive spirit, also need little good luck sometimes of course!
