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2022-11-07 15:38:20四年级访问手机版134

Dear motherland mom:


Hello! I am elementary school of Hong Ru of Zhang riverside county 4 years Yang Miao graceful. The birthday that October 1 is you 70 years old this year. Wish you birthday is happy ahead of schedule here, be prosperous! Motherland mom, write the favour that believes me to want to convey me to revere to you to you today.


As a child, be fond of me, the mother's eldest sister that caresses me often teachs me to sing: China of one jade mouth, cover with tiles the top gets married. Say the country is very big, actually in singing of …… of a home, I what learn to speak follow supple ah ah sing: Oh, the home is the smallest country, the country is ten million home. Had strong state, just have rich home.


Went up elementary school after one grade, chinese teacher is pointing to the Chinese domain that is like form chicken, tell me: This is our motherland, she calls People's Republic of China. The Great Wall is her eyebrow eye, the Yangtse River is her hematic arteries and veins, the skirt that bright-coloured the Five-Star Red Flag is her sleeves …… she is stand erect a bright phearl of alive bound east. Inculcate ignorant knew me what understand to understand: Oh, my motherland calls China. She is the mom of all Chinese, feed see four hundred million and ten outstanding China young man and woman.


Today, I had been the pupil of a 4 grade. Moral character and social teacher tell me: Below the leader of the Chinese Communist, 69 Zai Guanghui years, the brushstroke of thick Mo Chongcai stayed in boundless historical endless flow. Nowadays, the long march bugle of new era already Zou Ming, compose is worn the poem of motherland magnificent, douse wears what an ancient name for China brights is brilliant: Liaoning aircraft carrier enters the water successfully, “C919” enters the space successfully, quanta computer comes out, Chinese Gao Tie gets run ” of eye of weather of China of the world, “ is perfect complete, harbor bead bay big bridge is successful respecting of Er of fruit of cloth of the premier before England of …… of be open to traffic: In 21 centuries today, if was not participated in adequately of China, global everything cannot get settlement, ” of sick man of “ East Asia is the history, current it is ” of Zhuang Fu of “ East Asia.


Motherland mom, I understand “ boy is strong a national strong ” this one truth, implementation the Chinese nation is great revived new page will be written by our relay, in the sound that awaken the deaf, my young satori: Oh, the motherland is even more powerful, I should be a horse with the dream, the sword points to ahead, do not lose good time.


Dear motherland mom, I want and you together powerful. Below sunshine, my raise one's arm breathes out, establish the grandiose end that plays me: I want with the motherland in all act vigorously is entered.


Your's sincerely,


With high respect!


Your daughter: Yang Miao graceful


