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2022-10-24 02:32:05四年级访问手机版154

In fawn on of a positive light on the weekend, I am lying satisfiedly to listening on sofa " Li Bai " this song, if “ can come again, I should choose Li Bai ……” to listening, abrupt, my cerebra a blank, limb feels faint, the eye also can'ts help closed.


When I open an eye, do I discover how the person all round and my dress is different? Sackcloth, grow a cap, hey? How does the boy still tie a tail? Still be in when me when feeling puzzled, hear the running water voice that has fall nearby suddenly. Stem from curiosity, I go by down sound. Cross a forest, before shade of one act water greets me. This scenery is too grand simply! I the gentleman beside gasps in admiration: “ ! It is to fly really flow to issue 3000 rule continuously, doubt is like the Milky Way to fall empyreal! Is cottage mountain fall here? But, I still dare not believe, ask the gentleman beside: Mr “ , excuse me your surname? I surname ”“ plum, the word is too white. He answers ” . My heart thinks: Li Bai? did I pass through really? He sees the look of my feel puzzled, say: I know “ what are you thinking, I also feel mysterious. On the share that sees there is a reason in us, I guide you to visit Tang Chao! ”


I follow to come to yellow crane building as Li Bai. The grand of good friend the first month that saw him like that. Before so Meng Hao will fall by ship-owner like that today, go to Yangzhou, li Bai comes round personally see sb off. The boat leaves, li Bai stands still in full marks / river bank, hoping Na Gufan is gradually far, disconsolate affection arises spontaneously, cannot refrain fromingly chant: “ old friend demit fizzles out on the west crane building, firework issued Yangzhou in March, yuan Yingbi uses up Gu sail for nothing, see horizon of the Yangtse River flows only. ”


Send Meng Hao off like that, li Bai took me to respect booth hill. Beauty of scenery of the hill that respect booth is picturesque, picturesque scenery. He makes a poetry again instantly: “ numerous bird flies high, gu cloud goes alone idle. See neither be disgusted with, respect booth hill only. ”


Imperceptible, curtain of night arrives. I think of him nowhere can go, request to Li Bai: Mr “ , I also do not have a place to go, can you deny in your home stay one evening? ”“ is OK of course! ” says, we take carriage to come in Home Li Bai. When just when I prepare,sleeping, indistinct hear groan —“ alas the bright moon before …… bed is smooth, doubt is the frost on the ground, lift a head to look at the bright moon, lower his head to consider home. ” Li Bai should miss his family member, his hometown very much at the moment! I come to his room, discuss the issue of build up person with him. Abrupt, my body becomes suddenly light. What I do not abandon is right Li Bai says: I should return “ possibly my world went ” Li Bai comforts me to say: “ is irrespective, sea memory is intimate, skyline is like near neighbour. We have predestined relationship good-bye! ”


I opened an eye again, original all these is a dream only! I am wearing school uniform as before, lie to go up in sofa as before, as before only music wears that circularly " Li Bai " ……
