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2022-10-21 22:34:08四年级访问手机版118

"Breathe out one! " the subway is rapid on orbit ground travel. I sit on the subway, it is one lowers his head on a group of things with common features " . There is small child in them, have a student, have a young person, have adult, have an old person, some locks up brows closely, some light up with pleasure, some faces do not have expression. Why are these people attracted by mobile phone place? What use does the mobile phone have?


Old perhaps people uses a mobile phone is to call, care care children from time to time, about a few " lad " go out to jump square dance, experienced too extremely; Old perhaps people had bored buy dish full marks every day on foot / days, begin to shop on the mobile phone; Old perhaps people had caught the trend of the times, use simple and easy old man-machine no longer, used however China for. Millet, honorable these big signs.


Perhaps students use a mobile phone is to learn, so much software can use study on the mobile phone, compared with in heroic library an one this locality browses, but much simpler; Perhaps students use a mobile phone is to play game, and they already were not satisfied at cutting a fruit the game of such very old, begin ceaseless innovation however, attempt, play an all sorts of new pattern; Perhaps students use a mobile phone is to know more news, the affairs of state wants to understand of course, but those bad news are determined boycott, look much bad news will be right health of our body and mind has very great harm.


Old perhaps people uses a mobile phone is for the job, come a little while an information, come a little while an information, each should look, each very important. Old perhaps people uses a mobile phone is for recreation, hit game a little while to loosen everyday loosen, also be very normal.




Anyhow, the use of the mobile phone is very much, had had have bad, we should use a mobile phone reasonably, make the mobile phone provides greater help to us.
