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2022-10-20 03:33:07四年级访问手机版504

Good in the home dull! Cannot watch TV, cannot go down to play, and the feeling is particularly hungry still, it is good to if can eat,order a thing, was opposite, I myself can do a thing, that fries a meal to begin from the simplest egg!


Above all, I two bottles rice puts a basin in, “ clang clang ” , rice jumps in the “ in the basin ” rise, extremely happy! Next, I clean out rice to add water, put the basin into electric meal Bao again in, insert electrify. Next, I take out two small tomato from freezer, take out from ambry again cut chopping board to begin to operate, the juice foam that tomato is cut by me 4 splash, jump to my new clothes even, I also am paid attention to none, ” of Ka of “ Ka Ka, what this a few knives cut is pretty good, I nod approvingly, reoccupy left hand presses a tomato, ordinal cut all tomato, I hum move ditty, laid an egg again, cut green vegetables, listening to the full marks / of “ Ka ” only at this moment, the meal has been boiled, can stir-fry!


I light on fire, fire dances in boiler lower part, and smoke flies on boiler, I although in the heart very fear, but finally the heart one horizontal stroke: Do! Pour egg fluid into boiler, egg of ” of Ka of Ka of “ Ka Ka and oil were hit, “ boiler is their battlefield, albumen is the blood of the egg, oily juice is oily blood, the egg was defeated by ” finally, slowly I smell a burnt flavour, I pour green vegetables and tomato into boiler rapidly, break up fried dichotomy bell, put in the rice finally, break up fry break up again fry, my egg fries a meal to be done!


When eating, I just discover, forget actually put salt! After I am obliged to go back the meal to put salt again afresh, just eat went up one of my life egg that I already made oneself fries a meal.


Although this egg fries a meal so not successful, but I still am having full achievement feeling, eat particularly spicily.
