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2022-10-14 18:30:02四年级访问手机版172

Somebody likes golden spring, somebody likes the summer with hot broil, somebody likes snow-white winter, but I prefer vibrant, the spring of a variety of colour.


Spring is the season that an everythings on earth anabiosises. Look, puppy people get out from earth in succession, ground of too impatient to wait wants to see the world outside have much beauty! Small grass also from the smell in earth first, look far, dark green lawn resembles the halcyon that one chunk is too busy. Willow grew to grow long hair, brook also begins to sing happily. The picture of a how good flourishing!


The spring of a variety of colour is met certainly better, we look together! Beautiful winter jasmine is spent, resemble be in we are brought spring good news; Peach blossom much appearance is colorful, be like fire redly, composition / be like snow in vain, the …… of pink that be like glow is really extremely beautiful! Butterfly spends unwilling also give the impression of weakness, the very beautiful flowers that oneself dress up, some ability spread out 3 two leaf; Some leaf spread out completely, show inside tender yellow stamen; Some still is bud, look full bilge like the burst on the horse. Hang on the branch of poplar full ” of “ wool caterpillar is extremely interesting! Golden winter jasmine is beautiful, the butterfly with beautiful colorful peach blossom is beautiful, interesting poplar and ” of “ wool caterpillar collected a beautiful Chun Jingtu.


Season of a year is in “ Yu Chun ” , admiring beautiful scenery while, the life that we want reasonable him arrangement, let each days become rich and colorful.


I love beautiful spring, vibrant spring, love the spring of rich and colorful more.
