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2022-10-12 15:33:05四年级访问手机版199


Stroke of filar silk breeze crosses a face, vernal sunshine is aspersed asperse fall on the body, bird sings livelily, flower broadens smiling face. Oh! Spring came! —— preface


Spring, it is a hazy poem. It goes enthusiasticly to you, the midwinter of flick away severe cold, scatter below one another gorgeous flower ……


When retaining childhood spring dimly, an another fragrant grass ground, tuft the wild flower of another bunch, line is worn the greenery on that dike. I and a few children of the village, often run that over or across is in —— of that little bridge the little bridge on the brook, will collect the wild flower that come to be scattered like day daughter lose them like the flower in the brook. Leaf is like butterfly flutter, swirl the ground falls, be like mischievous child again, a lot of flight skill are being done in sky. In those days, we exclaim gladly rise: We raised “ a flock of butterfly composition / , how beautiful! ” is such extremely.


It seems that ……


Vernal wind stroke crosses a cheek, birdie chirps, it is one year spring. ” of raindrop “ rustle falls, stream of people crowded what in the —— on the street nowhere is absent is blatant. In past mountain forest look at, what incarnadine be hillock? Be what adorned hillock? Be what shows delicate face in drizzly rain during springtime? A drip slips, seeing —— clear eventually is the peach blossom that plants another tree then! The dream that its drawing wears, take me to appreciate the beauty of its that entirely imaginary, guide the sound …… that my listen respectfully spends


Memorial ……


Stop to broadcast ……


Outside the window, north wind howl, everybody changed cotton-padded clothes, only poor Bai Xue, outside looking at a window, my heart thinks:


Came in the winter, is spring still met distant?
