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2022-09-21 05:36:08四年级访问手机版207


Once upon a time, in a hut, in a room in hut, have 4 appearance article, one is table, chair, computer, bed.


But one day, table, chair, computer, they are in whose contribution in arguing one day is the largest, because the bed became old conversation is very slow, so table, chair, computer, say author speech with the bed rarely.


The table says: “ I put a thing to others everyday, my contribution is the so largest ” . The chair says: “ I am done to others everyday, my contribution is the so largest ” . Computer says: I help “ everyday others checks a stuff, help them learn knowledge. Help their my have fun, my contribution is the so largest ” .


After the bed listened, the composition is very dissatisfactory, slowly say: Your everybody has “ oneself advantage, see the advantage of others again, cannot see the weakness of others, so you should learn the advantage of others, tell me to return thereby they understood, also do not say that thing again later, they say each other to the other side: “ Is am sorry after they listen to ” each other, say: They talked with the bed everyday after “ irrespective ” , that hut is a happy hut forever.


This is the controversy of table chair computer, they work to see the advantage of others every time, also do not see the weakness of others again, they do what thing err later, can know a fault can change, we should learn to them.
