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2022-09-20 06:35:07四年级访问手机版205


The gift is an affectionate hope, touching every person that gets it; The gift is a heavy place, warm move has its person every; The gift is a true heart, showing consideration for every person that cherishs it. In the depth of my memory, my family once gave me a lot of gifts, but those who make my impression the deepest is mom takes me to eat a bowl of appetizing old Beijing to explode abdomen, make my aftertaste boundless up to now.


That, my maths was not taken an examination of good, the mood is very low. Mom pats the shoulder that pats me to say: “ goes, we go eating big food! ” mom takes me to come to a snack bar of treasure dragon back street, there is “ old Beijing to explode on the board of door head abdomen ” . Decorate very sweetly in inn, there is the photograph that employer family goes to Beijing travelling on the wall, city wall of the Imperial Palace, all over the face bright smile, the mood that makes me depressed is able to alleviate. The boss in inn is an aunt of more than 30 years old, accost of her enthusiasm ground we sit down. The aunt is wearing popular this year white shirt, virescent knitting waistcoat, the hair combs high, greatly the eye is full of genial. Look at the smile of the aunt, my low mood at a draught a lot of. Sitting downstage a little boy, he is wearing the POLO unlined upper garment of a blue, expression is drawing cartoon dedicatedly. Mom says to me: This little elder brother is in “ on elementary school of tree composition person 5 grade, before studying grade classes or grades in school 5, finish every weekend exercise, come help in mom inn. ” at this moment, hutch transmits sound after: “ bowl is fast gone! ” raises a head on little boy horse, the hutch after running goes helping wash a bowl. He pulls an arm, in the seriously scrub dish side cistern, next, classification of chopstick, dish, ladle, the motion is very perfect.


When little boy washs a bowl to come out, both hands is carrying a big bowl cautiously, put courteously before us, say smilingly to us: “ is enjoyed slowly please. ” is a bowl of old Beijing explodes then abdomen, soup juice of white, there is caraway of a few leaves above, appetizing, risking steam, my saliva should flow. I am eating at the same time, hear mom speech at the same time. The father of this little elder brother works outerly, mom everyday very busy, he sends secondhand when doing not have. He himself sits everyday the bus goes going to school, grandma home goes having a meal after coming home, oneself complete work independently.


The story of aunt and little elder brother moved deeply I. They are so ordinary and so hard life, smiling to spend each days. Mom asked me to eat a meal, let me comprehend a lot of truths. I should be example with little elder brother, effort study, dedicated work, do active, hopeful, assiduous, up good boy.
