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2022-09-19 18:30:01四年级访问手机版169


A day night, table and chair say murmurringly ceaseless in the Ji in soundless classroom. Original, they are in complaint!


“ alas! First-order recently paragraph I but afflictive dead, be harmed by small host everyday, sometimes host is taking a pen, in graffito of the scribble on my skin, do I all over dirty. The say that ” table groans.


You suffer from “ at that o'clock what to calculate! Frontier of the sigh side ” chair says, “ host can keep occasionally fart, I am fumed quickly by him everyday dizzy. ”


I still have “ more miserable than you! Host does not know how to buy small sword of a student recently, lay off is not on my skin all the day a line line, plunge into namely give each small hole, do I all over painful died! ” table is saying, sound becomes cry antrum wrote a composition.


The chair comforts a table to say: “ hey You is fed, not too sad, I am uncomfortable also. These days small host likes to become warped the chair particularly come to those who go become warped, I am thrown carelessly a fall, I ache all over now. ”


“ always is a little master friend everyday, can be when the teacher did not come on my head walk to walk, I what do am fast also be tired out, once my elder brother is be tired out be steppinged on by its small host later cause death ah. I also fear I can resemble an elder brother same ……”


“ toot, …… of toot we two people hold out miserable ……” really


These word just in time were heard by the small host outside transient window, he goes by ashamedly right it two say: “ Is am sorry, you won't be treated so after me, I am wrong! ”
