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2022-06-06 10:09:10四年级访问手机版518

In the morning, shoot my house when the first bundle of sunshine, I am hazy in open open one's eyes, one new day began, it is busy that this is destined and a happy day.


Stand in dawn, although cold weather makes a person a little uncomfortable, but air is pure and fresh however, make us free breathing fresh air, one night befuddled be swept and empty, receive a new day with new features. The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring, a day plan depend on morning, after plainting, I use this paragraph of time to read. My heart flows in the warm blood of the book drip, content slowly infuse my cerebra. This early morning is done not have for nothing had gone at the moment from me, the cerebra that lets me is in this early morning is more contented.


Early morning is happy, also be written in water, blow on the face and those who come is exercise. This can do not have so relaxed, always be difficult problem again and again, what do me is distracted, I want to play not to want to take up composition breathing space will write line of business again already, it is good kink really. Be forced to drop this operation, redo is other exercise, but each works to have the problem of so much be perturbed, always risk the road that comes out to block me suddenly when the vigorously that I do. Come so, my where works to was not finished, this always cannot waste time. I am forced to sit again, read a title seriously, seek foregone condition from inside the problem, beg again piece sealed, such one step by step think, by the requirement in the problem solution comes out difficult problem, such I won.


Solved so much difficult problem, keep all operation eventually. My as if relieved of a heavy load, can play eventually to one's heart's content to one's heart's content. See time, I can't help plainting, time already escaped beside me largely.


One imperceptible day went so, this day gave me hope, also gave me the courage of broken solution difficult problem, let me pass exceedingly contentedly.
