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2022-10-16 06:32:05三年级访问手机版333

When finishing class, the sort of game is very much, among them what I love to play most is to arrest a person.


Regulation is to let a person count 30 seconds when the cat, arrest a person later like that. Every place can run, should attend class only the bell rang, a person has not been caught, the player calculates a victory.


"Begin game! " young associate says to run at the same time at the same time, we also follow him to run desperately, because the cat is chasing after us at the back person of this one swarm. Soon we are about to be captured, suddenly phonic sound passes from a flock of people: "Run apart, otherwise by the cat one boiler was carried. " we listen to him, run apart. such, everybody dispersed, only I and additionally two young associate comprised covey. We want where to should go to below shade of a tree, at this moment I thought of a good place, respecting: "Go little sports ground, the cat won't go there commonly. " if listening to me, everybody runs quickly to little sports ground with respect to rapid ground. Arrived little sports ground. Rested a little while, again a friend puts forward, make us dispersive, still say to be able to leave a person to be not caught at least so. We also can do nothing about it, be forced to listen to his departure, but firm departure is done not have a little while, I heard " ah " one. I think: It is to be caught certainly, I must run rapidly. The stair on me runs big playground, arrive there ability discovery cat had arrested one swarm person, searching new prey! Not a little while, the cat of sharp-eyed discovered hide in me what peek aside, he runs to chase after me immediately. I also can run only, running, I do not have physical strength. Be in this an imminent peril during, attend class the bell rang. "Too good, attend class the bell saved me. " I secretly chuckle to oneself.


I am too happy, I have a happy break.
