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2022-09-29 12:34:07三年级访问手机版192


Today, the teacher decorated an interesting exercise —— to do tumbler with egg carapace, I listened very glad, bout home moves a hand to come immediately.


The material that makes tumbler need is true many, have paper of pen of mud of egg, chopstick, rice, colour, watercolour, penknife, colour and scissors.


Begin to do tumbler. I secure good egg with colour mud above all, knocking cautiously with the penknife, for fear that is knocked bad. Hey! Luck is good, I had knocked a small hole. Ground of my too impatient to wait comes over the egg, but egg fluid is not obedient, how to also come out, get me urgently straight stamp. Mom says: “ uses a chopstick gently agitate egg fluid, the egg is not whole come over, want to fall sideways, such ability have air, egg fluid just can flow. ” then, I slowly at the same time agitate lean to one side, egg fluid flows darlingly. Then, I rinse egg carapace clean and full marks / wipe water, a few meters are put in the small hole toward chorion next, but how does chorion also stand not to rise. I tried to add rice to decrease rice again, relapsed a few times or stand not to rise. Can do nothing about it, we checked Baidu to just know a reason finally. Original, rice can bring about centre of gravity to slant joltily and stand not to rise, should secure rice rise to just go. Ha! My tumbler stands eventually rose.


I cut a cap with colour paper, stick the label on small hole. I take colour pen again, drew cautiously on chorion: Greatly eye, bend curved brow, greatly mouth, red cheek, two little hands are brandishing. What I draw is Ba Bazu, a lovely tumbler success.


I am touched gently, tumbler places wag one's headingly ceaseless. I am holding its pointed cap to turn, it resembles a top turning euqally again rise.


Tumbler is really interesting!
