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2022-09-25 14:30:01三年级访问手机版369


Summer vacation when, i, the little sister still has an uncle to go together great the sister of one's paternal grandfather the home swims, I and little sister chime in easily, because of the swimsuit of queen of ice and snow that can put on me to like most.


We encountered midway little trouble, the little sister's head is honest too big, we used a tremedous effort, natant circle is covered do not go in. How to do? See the little sister is urgent red little face, we are forced again join forces, the little sister is sucked greatly at a heat, we are crying aloud: “ 3, 2, one. ” is successful! That natant circle was covered smoothly go in. All be all set, can set out.


Arrived swimming-pool, the uncle reminds us to cannot go to very dark place again and again, we nod at once and assure repeatedly, said us to enter a swim pool. Can be a little sister very fear water, see she fears only the ground sits by the swimming-pool, double foot is put slowly into water to explore, dare not go down from beginning to end however, the uncle laughs helplessly, be forced to holding a little sister in the arms to swim, the little sister showed happy smiling face eventually. Passed a little while, the uncle feels my head to say: “ Yang Yang, you teach a little sister to swim, I go washing build to send. ”


“ is good, I finish the job certainly. I pat ” chest, quite self-confident ground says. Uncle chela full marks / just went, the little sister looks flustered immediately, the move on awakward past bank goes, resemble just learning the duckling that walk only. I hasten, tender ground says: “ little sister, do not want to be afraid of, the elder sister is in, you return besides have natant group! ” listens my word, the brows that the little sister knits closely is extended gradually come, not so feared, but she dare reach the most shallow place only, I am forced to teach her to swim in shallow water area first. I capture the little sister's both hands to say closely: “ is loosened, loosen, do not fear. Loosen slowly first, the lap on double leg moves ……” to pass my patient guidance, nice not easy gift learns the little sister swim.


Swam a little while, I think of a bit deeper natant division to swim, the little sister is self-confident however full say to me: “ we together! ” I am a little embarrassed, but via living hard bubble of use soft tactics, we swim toward deep water area. Letting what my expect is less than is, the little sister got used to deep water area slowly actually, began agile like small Yu Yu to swim quickly.


We are playing glad, the uncle walks over to say: “ time arrived, should come home. ” we are forced the departure of be reluctant to part swimming-pool.


Today, I not only church the little sister learns to swim, also experienced the joy that overcomes fear to bring.
