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2022-09-23 11:36:09三年级访问手机版529


Fire! Everybody is known! In the winter fire can bring warmth to everybody. Fire can cook. Fire can do a lot of businesses. But fire also is very dangerous. Let me introduce igneous hazard where to be to you.


, the grandma cooks in the home. The grandma just put down green vegetables, fire resembles an indocile darling jumping in dish. Fervent burn jump over flourishing, final boiler is burned quickly black. I remember Mr. Wu has been told suddenly should first dump, get on boiler lid lid again. I say to the grandma: You go to “ first dump. ” grandma dump when, my fast boiler lid lid go up. Fire changes gradually small. Disappeared finally. This issues me extremely happy. Look attend class learned knowledge is sent eventually on use.


Throw toward the ground after smoke of exhaust of a middleaged person. Throw towel of a piece of paper fitly. Immediately, removed small flame, small flame is burned more jump over flourishing, burn plastic desk. Those present is frightened so that turn pale with fright to escape at once. Not bad merchant is calm and sober the ground commands authority put out a fire, dial quickly at the same time 119. This fire just destroyed. Fire prevention should note in living so.


I tell to everybody fire encounters how to do in the home: 1. Dial 119. 2. Cover with wet handkerchief Pull in your ears! . 3. Hit wet body to go up to escape toward urgent passageway with water.


Fire control safety is made from me, make us collective protect home.
