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2022-07-05 06:00:01三年级访问手机版325

“ Wow, a lot of candy” I cried. There are candy trees, candy flowers and candy fire hydrants here. I looked half a circle carelessly from the gate of the candy world to the candy world, and then looked up at the gate. The gate was actually made of rainbow sugar. The colorful rainbow sugar emitted colorful light, which made me marvel. I stepped into the gate and found that the people in the candy world were really cute, with long rabbit ears and short rabbit tail, And big watery blue eyes, I think: it's wonderful here. These candies are so beautiful


suddenly, there was a candy rain, and colorful candy fell down, including gum, milk sugar, chocolate sugar, sandwich sugar, rainbow sugar and rock sugar&hellip… All kinds, everything. Those candies looked delicious. I also picked up one and licked it. I exclaimed:“ This candy is so sweet. It may be the best candy I can eat in my life”


But two people competed for a piece of candy, so I asked them:“ Why did you just grab it for a candy? There was such a heavy rain of candy just now. Candy is everywhere. Just pick up one” One of them said to me:“ You're not from the candy world, are you? The candy we grab is different from others. It's golden candy. The candy rain here is made by our boss, Mr. sugar, because there will be a candy Expo soon. If you want to enter in advance, there are only ten places. You must grab golden candy first. And there are only ten beautiful golden candies” I thought: Candy fair? Interesting. Why don't I find a piece of golden candy to go in and have a look in advance


thinking so, I looked everywhere. I looked around and finally found one. As a result, it was robbed by a little rabbit. I said to the little rabbit:“ Little rabbit, I found this golden candy first. You can pick it up yourself” The little rabbit said to me:“ Golden candy is hard to find. You found one. I'm younger than you. Why don't you give it to me”“ I won't give it to you. There are only ten golden candies. I finally found this one” I don't know the little rabbit has a bad temper. As soon as he heard that I wouldn't give him golden candy, he lost his temper. Yelling at me doesn't count. He pulls my clothes and my hair. I was so angry that I grabbed its two long ears and tried to pull them off, but they stuck to its body like glue. I couldn't pull them off anyway. At this time, the little rabbit took the opportunity to take my golden candy away


Suddenly, two candies flew towards my head, and I screamed with pain. At the same time, a girl's voice sounded in my ear:“ Why are you bullying my little rabbit? Say it” Before I said it, the little rabbit took the lead and said:“ Master, I found the golden candy! I can go to the candy fair! Do you like it” The girl was filled with joy. I shouted:“ The golden candy in the little rabbit's hand was picked up by me and robbed by it. I didn't want to give it, so it lost its temper with me” After listening, the girl said to the little rabbit,“ You're so domineering. I don't like you” She said to me again:“ My name is Guoguo. This is my little pet, Xiaobai. Just now I thought you were bullying it, so I didn't find out, so I hit you with a slingshot. I'm really sorry” I thought the little girl was pretty good, so I said,“ irrespective. We'd better find gold candy now. There are only ten gold candy. It may be gone if we're a little late”


we immediately began to look for them. Looking around, we finally found two more. Guoguo said to Xiaobai and me,“ Now that we have gathered three candies, let's go to Mr. sugar's candy fair” Then we walked to the candy factory. As soon as we entered the factory, we exclaimed:“ Wow, these sugar people are vivid. They seem to shake hands with you and say hello at any time” With a loud bang, many sugar people fell to the ground and broke. We were shocked and found that the machine Mr. sugar used to make sugar was broken and crashed. Alas, unfortunately, the sugar man didn't see it, and the machine broke down again, so we had to leave disappointed. We didn't walk fast. After the machine broke down, it exploded again. The fire was fierce. I ran too slowly. My ass was burned and burned to death


“ Ah” I was surprised. It was a dream
