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2022-10-24 04:33:07六年级访问手机版491

Gift, the likelihood comes from a friend, the likelihood comes from the life, come from likely also at nature. No matter be what gift, be a kind of deep blessing and happiness is invocatory.


If say nature sends me to lay the view that lays not to cease all the year round, let me see stand proudly at the wintersweet in severe cold, the night that galaxy twinkles, the river that cataract does not cease Haihe River plain, so, the friend family beside gives me warm, friendship and pleasure, let me witness a variety of happiness between the world.


Get up on the weekend, see alarm clock, those who compare anticipation became late 34 hours. Mood how terrible was appeared, the heart thinks: If breakfast gets up, I have more time to do me to like a thing, alas! Think better of thinks, the time that goes anyway also is answered again did not come, be inferior to clutching the rest time, do not waste for nothing daylong. Say to work, I get up immediately wash gargle, pull open a curtain, let rise the sunshine since newly to be illuminated in my room through glass. Afternoon, I just came out from the bookshop, old day seems to joke intentionally with me like, issued thundershower suddenly. Drip-drop as the size like soya bean, the bang in Pi issue ceaseless, hit on the travel person of cursory contact, iciness is gotten biting. Whole world looks gloomy, give a person a kind depressing to asphyxial feeling. I originally good intention situation becomes bad again rise, be utterly confused. I mutter, blame the ghost weather of adventitious of this shade fine ceaselessly. After returning the home, mom sees me of one face " grouchy " , still wringing garment unlined upper garment knows how to return a responsibility. She consoles I say: "Blame weather with one of flavour, what accept weather as the calm is fickle. Because be full of those who lose energy to grouse, can let him mood only more accurate, yu Jie at inside, still can hurt a body into disease! " if listening to mom, I shine at the moment, immediately be suddenly enlightened.


Yes, the life enlightenment of the dribs and drabs in the life, it is the life bestows our best gift.
