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2022-09-28 21:33:06六年级访问手机版374


Our China is a civilization ancient state that having long history.


Confucius and his child people drew up jointly " the analects of confucius " , " the analects of confucius " main account the words and deeds of Confucius, and if saying to child place. Lvbuwei and a hanger-on of an aristocrat write period of the Warring States went out " Lv age " , " Lv age " for Qin Guoyi all the world supplied thought weapon, otherwise Qin Guo won't beat 6 states so quickly. The Sima Qianzai of the Western Han Dynasty was finished in jail " history write down " , " history write down " recorded arrive from Huang Di Han Wu emperor 3000 old histories, return what be weighed by Lu Xun gentleman to be the peak of poetic perfection of “ historian, do not have the ” leaving coquettish of charm. Song Dai's Li Shizhen is written again went out " detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine " , take an examination of not only in the book past a book on Chinese medicine learns a certain number of medium errors, integrated much scientific data, also put forward more scientific medicaments to classify a method, have advanced biology evolution idea; Reflected rich clinical practice. Li discusses medicaments, the materialistic idea of man can conquer nature was reflected in a lot of respects.

孔子和他的弟子们共同写出了《论语》,《论语》主要记载了孔子的言行,以及对弟子所说的话。战国时期吕不韦与门客编写出了《吕氏春秋》,《吕氏春秋》为秦国一统天下提供了思想武器,否则秦国不会那么快打败六国。西汉的司马迁在狱中完成了《史记》,《史记》记录了从黄帝到汉武帝3000多年的历史,还被鲁迅先生称之为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。宋代的李时珍又编写出了《本草纲目》,书中不仅考正了过去本草学中的若干错误,综合了大量的科学资料,也提出了较科学的药物分类方法,具有先进的生物进化思想;并反映了 丰富的临床实践。李氏论述药物,在很多方面体现了人定胜天的唯物主义思想。

China is the country of a poetry, the earliest poetry total volume " The Book of Songs " the history that has had more than 2000 years, word of Tang poetry the Song Dynasty is gem more then! Of Li Bai " travel way is hard " clear wine of “ gold goblet is fought 10 thousand, yu Panzhen be ashamed is straight 10 thousand money. Stop cup cast chopsticks to cannot be fed, draw Sigu heart is spellbound. Be about to cross the Yellow River to put a place of strategic importance on the ice to write a composition / plain, will ascend too Hang Xueman hill. Idle comes on brook of go angling green jade, ignore answer edge of day of the dream that take a boat. Travel way is hard! Travel way is hard! Much branch road, how be today? ” " travel way is hard " the political reality that showed darkness is dirty adequately already is right the stem of baronial and ideal aspiration of the poet, mirrorred again from this and Yu He of the intense anguish of the poetic heart that cause, anger is rough. Of Du Fu " Chun Yexi rain " drew up the author is opposite of this rain during springtime love. " the rain after the Chu Qing on drink lake " drew up the west lake of wet, mist of hill medium cloud is hazy, piao Piao is remote, show wonderful scene another time again. The poem that contemporary poet writes is very good also, be like like Guo Mei " in fold waterfall " “ strange peak is passed 200, size has Long Jiao. Waterfall is folded in my love, emerald green building of bead shade attack by surprise. New pine needs 1000 rule, water quantity is rich more still. ”

中国是一个诗歌的国度,最早的诗歌总集《诗经 》已经有两千多年的历史,唐诗宋词那更是瑰宝啊! 李白的《行路难》“金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍羞直万钱。停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然。欲渡黄河冰塞作文/川,将登太行雪满山。闲来垂钓碧溪上,忽复乘舟梦日边。行路难!行路难!多歧路,今安在? ”《行路难》既充分显示了黑暗污浊的政治现实对诗人的宏大理想抱负的阻遏,又反映了由此而引起的诗人内心的强烈苦闷、愤郁和不平。杜甫的《春夜喜雨》写出了作者对这场春雨的喜爱。《饮湖上初晴后雨》写出了雨天的西湖,山中云雾朦胧,缥缥渺渺,又显出另一番奇妙景致。现代诗人写的诗也很好,如郭沫若的《中折瀑》“奇峰传二百,大小有龙湫。我爱中折瀑,珠帘掩翠楼。新松待千尺,水量富更犹。”

The novel that neoteric writes, essay, also be well written. Be like Lu Xun " cry out " , " hesitation " , often abandon " numerous star? Spring water " , of Shen Shixi " wolf king dream " .


From business Yang political reform, xiang Yu burn one's boats, li Shimin chastity watchs treat, yue Fei essence faithful dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland, forest criterion Xu tiger door sells cigarette, revolution of the last of the twelve Earthly Branches of Sun Zhongshan laborious, chairman Mao builds People's Republic of China, deng Xiaoping reforming and opening, go to brilliant today China again, our China is the country with a long history, also be ancient country of a civilization. I am proud to have such motherland.
