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2022-09-28 09:38:12六年级访问手机版306




First one (4) the class thanks Yi Di


He, wet behind the ears, the name passes all directions; He, devise clever strategies, a thousand li of decide the issue of the battle; He, 6 Qi Shan, 7 capture Meng Huo. He, it is Zhu Geliang.


Want in those days, liu Bei 3 ask Zhu Geliang, he did not give thatched cottage, decide 3 minutes of the world first; For the 3 favour that consider, he follows loyal and devotedly Liu Bei; He is filled with joy, it is OK to think to find eventually bend does his best for it of work for bright advocate. He tells a little brother: “ takes care of good home in, wait for me to come back. ” does not think however, this goes, it is lifetime.


The battle of Chibi, he comes on invitation east. But the esteem that those who receive him is not Dongwu adviser, however their derisive with cool detachment, but he is paid no attention to, have a verbal battle with group Confucianism, stimulate Jiang Zhouyu, persuade Sun Quan, fight Cao Cao together with Zhou Yu; To defeat Cao Cao to give counsel, suffer Zhou Yu's jealousy again however, he is helpless: Why is everybody mixed him oppose? But, what idea to have again? Then, he can alone one person stays in east, protect even at the same time come east advocate fair the life with oneself. Finally, they beat back successfully Cao Cao, left Chibi the one battle of this legend.


Again later, he is Liu Bei rack one's brains in scheming, of one mind wants to aid Liu Beisui to become wish greatly. He is designed time and again, wrote a paragraph another paragraph of legend, send 700 thousand main force till Liu Bei expeditionary east. That one battle, should be the gloomiest one battle in his adviser career. The Liu Bei in those days, the bitterness that has been died by 2 younger brother developed brains. He has persuaded Liu Bei, but Liu Bei does not listen, leave him in Chengdu, personally Shuai Bing eastwards Wu Jin is sent. See oneself again when him advocate fair when, already was however during bidding farewell ……


He did not abandon, he also does not want to abandon. He at that time with advocate fair make this land below together, he says whats want to be hit. New advocate succession, on his achieve " give a person of exemplary virtue " , give out “ spare no effort in the performance of one's duty, the ictus of ” of to the end of one's days; 6 his Qi Shan, 7 capture Meng Huo; He wants Xing Fuhan room, still at former capital. This is first advocate once desire, he is obligatory Majesty of Xian Dizhong wanting a newspaper.


But He Xin advocate incompetent, everyday idle away in seeking pleasure, believe what one hears slanderous talk, the action before this unripe the greatest cherished desire is about to complete in him he winds day. How can he do again? This unlike east, new advocate command he must listen, so, he can return after victory only a face. Final, he, die in one's bed is in 5 a unit of length former before.


“ dispatchs troops not nimble body predecease! ” that desire, he was not finished, till die hind also finish without the person. However, be in a lot of after year today, we still remember, in Xi Shu of distant the Three Kingdoms, have the adviser of an utter devotion, his name, call Zhu Geliang.


First one (4) Ban Zhangji bright


Mention his name, those who think of is the essence of “ of 4 big character that is engraved on the back forever faithful dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland ” . His of one mind wants to weigh lost territory of Zhen Dasong recover, want to get imperial fatuity how, chancellery is crafty, do so that the charge loss of a fabricated dies below disturbance booth. He is Song Mo is rare loyally general —— Yue Fei.


Carry on promotes 6 years, yue Fei leads main forces to go up from assist in relief north, cannot be held back, the point that main forces place reachs all closes for place, have the Central Plains of recover of with one action, straight state that pound gold greatly the situation of government office of den yellow dragon. Make peace of of one mind of but He Gaozong, 12 gold recall he. He wields his writing brush at that time write down full of power and grandeur " Man Jianggong " , the affection with his patriotic have one's bosom filled with was manifested in the word, the determination of the recover lost territory, Kang Zhichi that wash pacify, however among them be mingled with his do not have deeply be able to bear or endure. Imperial devree, one character gives what has been cannot be withdrawn already, he is obliged to return capital of the Southern Song Dynasty to face how.


At this moment he very break be born to taking army to turn back, he wants whip and spur, want to ask Gao Zongwei what wants to there are such arrangements as soon as possible? Who ever thought this can be go out for a battle of his last time unexpectedly.


Return capital, gao Zong was not held to him celebrate result congress, instead general his accusation coop with “ fabricated ” jail. It is do mischief of Chinese juniper of slave official the Qin Dynasty so, offer greedy word to Gao Zongjin, composition / the Jiang Yuefei of unidentified the true state of affairs threw the Gao Zongjiang of fatuity jail. Qin Gui will let ” of his “ confess. Knows where he has the least bit charge, need not extract what confession more. Final Qin Gui became urgent the eye used the death penalty to him. Because, qin Gui has been colluded with with golden country already, wait destroyed the Song Dynasty can have high post with matched salary to waiting for him! For this, qin Gui used our then adv unimaginably penalty to Yue Fei, the hope can be covered from inside Yue Fei mouth give some of thing that he means. Such he can hold a good person like, say to common people: “ sees me did not treat unjustly him! ”


Where is Ke Yuefei? Although get the death penalty however heroic spirit still is in, rather die than submit! His only family that be not being abandoned is him and country of big the Song Dynasty! When can be born not to meet, he also cannot finish that “ to wait for again from the beginning, clear away old the land of country, the dream toward Tian Que ” . This year he only 38 years old, dead Yu Fengbo wells balanced.


Yue Fei already silently death at underground, but the hero won't be forgotten forever, lie between when more than 1000 carry, we still are yearning for him, missing him. Up to now we are returned can of wherefrom full of power and grandeur " Man Jianggong " in the heroic bearing that experiences his Na Songchao to fight golden famous general, singing it, listening to it, we ased if to see that steps the Lan Shan that defeat congratulate to be short of again, essence of life faithful patriotic Yue Fei ……


First one 4 class model are outstanding


He, it is a celebrated general of the period that fight day, severe at be self restrained, integrity is brave, guided troop ever was known as ” of “ iron army-invincible army, and make a person more of admire, it is his revolutionary spirit and patriotic feelings!


1931, he objects Jiang Jieshi be being coerced by Jiang Jieshi because of fighting day actively fall out of power, abroad “ inspects industrial ” , it is to be captured actually army authority, prevent to fight day. But the stimulation that he went to the United States to be less than with respect to in quick succession by expect, a lot of people discriminate against a Chinese, worship however to Japanese. A day, he sends clothings toward home, and postal employee says the world to go up unexpectedly already nonexistent China, he immediately boil with anger, just wanted fit, accompany a person to persuade: Why don't you say “ are oneself Japanese? Should say to be able to get only courteous reception. ” he on the spot angrily rebuke: “ do you become aware proper Chinese is humiliating? But I become aware proper Chinese is glorious! ” to uphold ethical dignity, he sought a plank, write with brush on “ I am Chinese ” a few big character, note carefully below on English, hang its before the bosom. He is holding out chest, cross prancingly surround the foreigner of view, showing the dignity of the Chinese nation.


1934, he is arrested by Kuomintang, face the order of ” of the execute by shooting when “ stands, he should come calmingly to the enemy paper and pen, book of brandish pen disease, wrote down oneself rough lifetime, disclosed a variety of offense of Jiang Jieshi, write in the will that gives a madam: “ husband dies today, it is for the times sacrifice ……” is caught, he drapes cape, unhurried ground moves toward execution ground, make paper with the ground, deadwood is a pen, wrote down day of a sense to move the ground, awe-inspiring righteousness absolutely life poem: “ hate does not fight day to die, stay now be ashamed. The country defeats Shang Ru this, my why cherish this! ” next ground of his stern in voice and countenance is right apparitor shout an order: I am “ to fight day and die, die for revolution, cannot fall on his knees endure a gun, after dying, also cannot topple, take a chair to me! He takes ” after deciding, drink again: “ arrives in front shoot! The Communist Party should die aboveboard, anything but can rearward endures a gun, I should kiss a bullet that looks at Jiang Jieshi is how to beat dead my! ” is when the spy before him when shakily raises a gun, his raise one's arm hallooes: Banzai of “ Chinese Communist! Ko Japanese imperialism! Chinese revolution banzai! ”


He, it is “ Chinese of a backboned. He is having ” revolutionary spirit, give lifetime revolution; He is having violent patriotic feelings, national calamity pawn, his come out boldly, devote gloriously. Everything what he does, it is for defend nation dignity, revitalize the Chinese nation. His great achievement and spirit are shaking generation acting Chinese, his name, call —— Ji Hongchang!
