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2022-07-05 00:08:08六年级访问手机版484

Mix when National Day come at the same time mid-autumn, you think of above all, it is that flying the Five-Star Red Flag, be still then in moon alone goddess in the moon?


It is when bright red the Five-Star Red Flag when blue sky is flying, we ased if to review each to be caught by blood again red story. Fall in foot of Tian An Men when the station, gazing at that piece of tremendous photograph, the sound that Chairman Mao announces to People's Republic of China holds water still is in it seems that side side resound.


Remember the national anthem with that exalted fight, we as if the eye that saw that one in pairs is sturdy, clear, an artillery shell that is full of anger. The footmark of red scarf, Lei Feng is sealed up for keeping forever. Zhan providential is statuary in the stand erect in wind, the article of Lu Xun is in our heart engrave, that canorous national anthem is by the side of our ear resound. Found a state 68 years, she, experienced how many cross, how many disgrace. It is only see us present brilliant, it is the loud cry that hears us only, it is only make China prosperous and strong!


It is the story destruction composition that who lets each is then good, it is the eye that who makes that one in pairs Tong Zhen, beautiful loses luster, it is who lets that piece of Zhang Cixiang, kind smile be forgotten in memory ——— is a war! Do not forget national humiliation, let us engrave this painful memory in mind with “ knives ” .


The National Day, be congratulatory motherland not just is brilliant, it is to let us recall history of that paragraph of black more, china resembles a lily at that time, was caught prepared Chinese ink, china resembles a Chu Ying at that time, light be unplugginged feather, china resembles a male lion at that time, dumb voice, cannot growl.


Now, lily already more pure, chu Ying's wing is more firm, of male lion roar more magnificent.


China, you are more powerful than before, your name becomes Jovian, present ensign is more bright-coloured, present national anthem is more resonant.


The bugle blow that is new era, 68 years go all out to become strong, of the party 19 also be about to hold greatly, old China also will become more strong more big, abundant!
