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2022-06-25 16:02:03六年级访问手机版154

An extraterrestrial stands before me


Rumble outside the window blare, accompany dazzling ray, see a tremendous UFO falls to go up in clearing of my home outdoor only. I run immediately next buildings, excited fear to open a door again. Object of a green writes a composition trail airship, before appear in me. The head that it is having round circle and the fine of large small hole of one double black, the body grows again fine. Most those who let me astonish is -- it does not have mouth! Two hands have 3 finger each.


Abrupt, a bundle of glow surrounds me all round. This bundle of light wraps nip to wear closely me, I was taken before it. I some feared, be forced enclasp fist is strong boost one's courage. Suddenly a paragraph of sound wave passes into me in ear: "Hello, earthly person, you had seen me now. Hope you do not want disclose, be forced to keep clear of your memory otherwise. " I immediately scalp pins and needles, feel mysterious: "It does not have the mouth obviously, why can you sound? " it is like dope out my misgive, say to me: " without what open-eyed, our extraterrestrial just need not talk so elementary communication means, we are early begin to communicate with brain wave. And we can know the place in your heart think, think whats I know in your heart so. Think whats I know in your heart so..


At this moment, wrapping my that group glow to disappear, I am subliminal ground in the future removed one condition. See the extraterrestrial is well-meant, before I am exploring to move toward, say to it: "Hello, what can help you excuse me? " its answer says: " I am seeking the thing that can replace my airship part. When a moment ago landing because of my airship, strike the area, a few spare partses damaged. A few spare partses damaged..


I think of an idea suddenly, can go reject reclaims the station is searched can replace a part. We arrived reject reclaims station, the extraterrestrial uses beam of light to scan at full speed, eventually make uniform the substitute of airship spare parts. It nodded a gules pushbutton, the spare parts of attaint was finished automatically replace, repair the area that is stricken to destroy by airship.


It changes a bundle of light to be gotten into airship, accompany a banging sonic boom, airship flew again. Before before leaving, it sent me a butterfly, say it won't die forever, want me to play 3 notes to it only, the extraterrestrial can get signal, from inside aerospace outpace comes.


After 10 days, I miss an extraterrestrial a bit, played 3 notes to butterfly. As expected, giant on the clearing that UFO descends by my home...
