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2022-11-30 16:14:27话题作文访问手机版451

Parrot and dog are human good friend euqally, the dog is faithful, parrot is lively and lovely.


The breed of parrot is very much, have hundreds of kinds about, they distributing in global each district, and very unite, from won't mutual harm. Major parrot is body length makes an appointment with 15 centimeters, make an appointment with 75 grams left and right sides again, about the same as big like the hand of our mankind. Major parrot is draft fruit and food crops, choosing food crops among them is to have cultured. Parrot must eat husky food crops, do not have pair of wool of housing to pare color is bad, more what is more,the rather that themselves also is in can move case. The mean life of parrot is about seventeen to 20 years, if be raised meticulously can vivid longer.


The time that parrot lives not only is little, intelligence quotient still is made lower, compare 4 years old of little baby only clever a bit.


But the parrot that this just did not pass training, if parrot has been trained really so actual strength will arrive by force terrible, return advantages and disadvantages than the bonze in teenager temple even very. Say Wu of small sun baby, do not look to just bought what won't, one but Nn drilled one but time can become really then " kongfu parrot " . Ferrule, possum, backward somersault, listen to sound to search advocate... skill in various types of combat, all is perfectness. Fly especially hand this one skill, than reality medium whirly darts wants fierce and multiple.


Actually, parrot is not only and cabinet lovely, still have build huge, that is macaw gens. Among them Wu of hyacinthine King Kong, say violet blue macaw is the parrot with the greatest whole world again. It, body length more than 120 centimeters, weight exceeds people one gram, bright-coloured blue feather and the tremendous bird rostellum like bending a hook make them conspicuous all the more. Their disposition is docile, never be angry, it is the existence like gent, unlike peony parrot is provoked bite a person.


Violet blue macaw is a country one class protects an animal, 5000 are less than in home, a price is to be in more 6500 to 12 thousand dollars between, buy to be able to buy a car, and sometimes you have money to also cannot be bought. They eat palmy fruit only in nature a kind of food, raise artificially can replace with coco. Their specialty is all sorts of words that can imitate the sound with avian other and people to say.


In addition besides Jin La macaw, other parrot is a country 2 class protect an animal. Only at present parrot of peach face peony, budgerigar mixes our country to be able to be raised freely to gallinaceous end parrot with buying and selling. If the parrot of other breed wants to raise must domesticate for wild animal progenitive licence " if do not have,sin namely. Raise parrot and the penalty that fight illegally about the same, more serious even. Must not try, otherwise consequence dare not imagine. A word will tell, parrot is really lovely, but raising moment to must pay attention to law certainly. Scarcely should lose ego, destroyed oneself good life and auspicious future.
