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2022-06-14 18:08:09初一访问手机版537

Company is water of Chan Chan brook, company is every bits of bit Gan Quan, company is unbroken warm this world. If the shadow lets the fellow traveler of travel,be probably, also be a heart that often misses accompany in distance.


The house of native place is simple and easy guileless, wooden furniture always sends out an attractive faint scent. The host of house often is brewing goluptious rice wine, wine sweet hover is in room Liang Sizhou, she alone living.


Often drawing near curtilage brook, brook is not clear, drawing near vegetable garden; The vegetable garden is not big, drawing near the foot of a hill. Scan widely looks, one is like the rurality with picturesque poem, the director of house strolls hereat, more than 80 years, my too grandma.


Still remember a winter that year, the family is determined to visit too grandma, she of old and our connection are very little, close people also rises a month to fall in day between go one by one somewhere else, she also is obliged alone.


Light jog opens a door, I saw long-unseen too grandma, she sees my arrival, a smile ripples unexpectedly on the face, busy accost I sit down, and she what face some to make road be born, I am at a loss a little, she is like friend seeing reason however, happy event close deeply.


Too what had not the grandma asked, I also do not know from why to speak of, she looks at me silently, from time to time pulls my hand shallow smile.


Suddenly, she one terrified, resembling was what to remember, stand abruptly from the chair, tottering ground takes a room, took bright red big violet scarf went


It is day of Leng Hei probably.


See she is caressed to scarf only have add, exhibit slowly gently make the same score it, be just as stroke like jewellery smooth, another, and I did not see however different.


Too the grandma rises again, taking scarf to go to me before, wear for me.


I am stupefied, at once evade, oneself do not need scarf originally, what is more,the rather that so beautiful beautiful colour, be afraid of is I also write a composition not need


Too write in the eyes of the grandma full disappointed, be built to destroy by mountain torrents like the fire that is intense blaze, did not have any colour —— at this moment, I just discover, her face is already so thin that her face remain leather character only, the skin already coarse gets striped again and again, the white hair of full head is like the lunge like silver-coated snow ground my heart,


Dai is holding the hand of scarf in both hands, be written by years full character, her tooth, little also a lot of ……


“ is good-looking, do not want how? ”


Too the grandma distresses at the same time, hand again at the same time I, was full of in the eyes expect.


I received scarf, stopped that heart.


“ is good-looking! You came back to spend the New Year last year, say cold, I am knitted to you, you come back again this year, as it happens gives you, at ordinary times, the picture that also sees you. ” too grandma one word one word ground plaints, say, laugh of click of the tongue rises,


Looked at me to wear scarf, his smile had not disappeared. He resembles a child, laugh so simply, so good, so moving.


After coming back from native place. That scarf still is accompanied drawing near I. When the weather is cold, it is warm: When be bitterly disappointed, it is to care.


Nowadays, too grandma be laid up.


Fortunately, that scarf still is accompanied.


Before long, its appearance and old curtilage same prostitution attacks; Before long, there is longing only in her life, all one's life take root in the country, the move, posterity in accompanying a city is cared in the heart people.


I feel she is unfamiliar, he still sees me times become aware kind —— has me all the time in the heart because of her only, also accompany me to grow all the time.


That scarf, it is all her strong feeling; That scarf, it is the potion warm drug that she gives; That scarf, can accompany me to be on in the future road eventually.


Her company, cross a space, be in, very long very long.
