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2022-05-04 15:30:12初二访问手机版521

Boundless and indistinct sea of faces encounters you, take a bottom of the heart as in relief illumination, the most beautiful days, because encounter you.


—— preface


Appearance of move grandson swallow puts in the mobile phone " encounter " , there is the green tea of indifferent to fame or benefit of a cup of elegant in the hand, sit before the window, cerebral sea mile is broadcasting the extract of associate with, answer the picture that putting I and you to encounter, because have you this best friend, my world is full of colour.


Because encounter you, I fear no longer


In that dusk, I come out from the reading room of the school, brash lash touchdown face, rainwater splatters, lightning is in ethereal dance silk fabric, thunder is deafening. I am hitting a shabby umbrella to come home in the car such as the station. The rain of summer does not have a bit rhythm, fall from the day, I am hoping passerby is fast-moving, the area that I nervous am visitting to be rinsed by rainwater can'ts help fearing a bit. Soon the car came, the person on the car is very crowded, almost have not a leg to stand on, after getting on a car, I stand in you beside, in my Yu Guang, I see you are reading a book, this makes me very strange, I strike up a conversation actively with you, and you just looked up to answer 9 simply however. After getting off, what rain falls is big all the more. A moment ago fear comes over again, I open that shabby umbrella hastily, but the umbrella is urgent in the car bad, let me unaware. I am looked around with helpless eyes all around, kind-hearted you hit umbrella for me, pull the hand that has me to send me to come home. The hand that you are clasping me on the road will write a composition my hand warm up is hot, eloquence of straight excellent door is loose, you laugh at face about to leave slightly to me, I am hoping you are far the back …… that go


Wherefrom rises, you leave deep impression in my heart. Because encounter you, I am recollected constantly, the imagination encounters again with yours.


Because encounter you, I no longer nervous


Wind blows rain to become a flower, time is not chased after on Bai Ma. Again large exam comes, I am taking nervous mood to come to examination room, wanting to must have been taken an examination of all the time in the heart, chirp sound rings, my after taking examination paper hand quivers all the time stop no less than coming, one hears only in brain: “ fastens insecurity, live firmly. ” I look up to look, it is you so, you tell me to want serious answering question. I did not think of to encounter you below such circumstance, because encounter you, my state of mind is stable. Take an exam that I obtained outstanding result, since then, you often coach my homework, my achievement rises apparently. We become best friend boudoir honey.


Because encounter you, I like to go up migrant, we ever agreed, go seeing migratory bird together, await that autumn migrant together.


Because encounter you, everything is destined, pull a hand together with you toward advancement, be worth memory everyday; Because encounter you, I learn to cherish, even if face again much storm, I can step down sturdily, encounter in good time the most beautiful you.


Because encounter you, times becomes so good ……
