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2022-06-15 14:07:08初二访问手机版446

When I came, I was born on your earth; When I leave, I am sleeping in your earth


it's nice to have your company


in the morning, it is your wind that gently wakes me from my sleep; After grooming, it's a ray of your sunshine. I enter the morning reading with me and integrate into the boring classical Chinese. It becomes vivid in an instant and my brain gradually wakes up. In the morning, you change slowly in your tenderness and comfort


at noon, the sun is already high in the sky, with your blue sky as the background and your long white clouds as the background. It was the sweet song of birds that came into my ears. What a beautiful song. It deeply attracts me to go out and feel your wonderful and pure beauty


stroll, step on cobblestone roads of different sizes and colors, and visit them in the afternoon. On the grass, dull and delicate flowers are mixed with the grass, and the green leaves set off the flowers. They are fresh and natural. You dress up with your heart. Under your dress, everything is vibrant. How can I not be intoxicated by you? Happily, I appreciate you. Your beautiful posture and composition state are immersed. Your gentle voice can't extricate itself. I don't know how to describe it. I just know that I'm very happy by your side. It feels good


time passed quickly. The evening passed and the night came quietly. You accompanied me day after day. Your night is beautiful. The moon changed the shift of the sun, and white clouds also disappeared into the night sky. You twinkle like stars in the night sky. You become quiet, your daytime activity disappears, and you sleep. And I, relying on you, also have a mellow dream, sweet taste


Nature has long been in harmony with my life and can't live without you. However, now the clothes of nature are no longer so clean and beautiful, even a little dirty. They are not as glorious as they used to be, and there are many scars. What's the matter? Looking at your helplessness, I'm also helpless. Hold your beauty together and let go of the merciless harm to you, people


it's nice to have your company! I hope I can always have your company
