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2022-05-31 20:02:03初二访问手机版449

Zhu Geliang, word Kong Ming, size lies dragon, it is an everybody can familiar to the ear can the character of the 3 period of detailed. In people heart, because " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " this novel, zhu Geliang is the delegate of a wisdom and ruse.


Be in " annals of the Three Kingdoms " in, have so height of “ of a few words 8 feet, appearance very Wei, when person different Yan, ” can see from this, zhu Geliang is in that time, growing so that calculate to go up is count as one of the best, and 8 feet, be equivalent to showing a meter of nowadays 9, from the point of appearance figure, it seems that adumbrative of Zhu Geliang lifetime uncommon.


Zhu Geliang is in charge of happy ” than “ oneself, “ canal is happy, ” is in charge of intermediate, Le Yi namely. Provide in the right way of Zhong Zhi , it is a prominent politician; Le Yi resort to arms is extremely clever, it is an outstanding militarist. But Guan Zhong is not good at however resort to arms, manage state affairs of Le Yi not to be pooh-poohed. And Zhu Geliang thinks him both holds concurrently, complete in both respects of civil and military, because this compares happy for “ canal ” oneself.


" give a person of exemplary virtue " in, official of “ of Zhu Geliang an account in one's own words this commoners, bend forward agrarian at Nanyang, preserve one's life at all costs at troubled times, do not beg Wen Da at vassal ” . Zhu Geliang is 27 years old ago, live in seclusion all the time in Nanyang. Actually I feel he is not “ not to beg Wen Da at vassal ” , did not find ” of oneself “ the person oen is in love with all the time however. Actually normally for, cao Cao is worth in those days fill air, and Cao is held very cherish a talent, but Zhu Geliang did not look for Cao Cao however, chose the Liu Bei that living under another's roof however, is this why? The reason is very simple, because Cao Cao is not the ” of “ the person oen is in love with of all arrowroot. The talent is neat beside Cao Cao aid, because this went,Cao holds position, also won't obtain put sb in a very important position. Contrary, there is the ability of ruse beside Liu Bei, resemble Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun only such fierce will. And the incident of ” of “ ask ab. to take up a resposible post repeatedly also makes all arrowroot bright got huge is touched with drive, because this “ satisfies Xu Xiandi with composition drive gallop ” .


Mention Zhu Geliang's ruse, the ” of should be widely known “ presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence that everybody thinks of above all. Sima exemplaries at that time country of Sichuan of rate army aggression, force continuously You Cheng, zhu Geliang is not had arms greet enemy, pretend to be calm however, open city gate greatly, sit at a tower over a city gate, cense stroke musical instrument. Right now Zhu Geliang wraps around crane cloak, dai Lunjin, the hand preciouses jade a fan, air space is uncommon. Scrupulous Si Mayi concern has ambuscade, none dare fribble, withdraw troops quickly. Wait for Si Mayi reaction to come over, bring again arms go back, right now Zhao Yun's military forces already arrived, be defeated of final Si Mayi. The beautiful that through the ages circulates paragraph, it is nevertheless stopped fictionally in the novel. Allegedly, when Cao holds pair of battle Lv Bu, ” of true “ presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence is used. Still “ borrows ” of east wind ” , “ instructions for dealing with an emergency to wait a few circulate the story of through the ages, try to exaggerate. Accordingly, lu Xun gentleman ever had said: “ " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " shape Zhuge Duozhi and close bewitching. ”

提起诸葛亮的谋略,大家首先想到的应该是家喻户晓的“空城计”了吧。当时司马懿率军进攻蜀国,直逼酉城,诸葛亮无兵迎敌,却故作镇定,大开城门,坐于城楼,焚香抚琴。此时的诸葛亮披鹤氅,戴论巾,手瑶羽扇,气宇不凡。小心谨慎的司马懿担心有埋伏,毫不敢轻举妄动,并迅速撤兵。等司马懿反应过来,再引兵回去,此时赵云的兵马已到,最终司马懿战败。千古流传的佳段,不过是小说中编造的罢了。据说,真正的 “空城计”是曹操对战吕布时所使用的。还有“借东风”、“锦囊妙计”等一些流传千古的故事,都加以夸大。因此,鲁迅先生曾说过:“《三国演义》状诸葛多智而近妖。”

Spare no effort in the performance of one's duty of Zhu Geliang lifetime, loyal and devoted to Liu equipment. In Wei Shi of northern expedition Cao, scrupulous, used time of 4 years to prepare, in that phase, no matter Zhu Geliang waits for a respect from resource of situation, manpower at Cao Wei the difference is very big, but a few result are hit can make place of the other side is fear of however. Although do not have,get the better of accordingly, also do not calculate however on be defeated. But the body of the Zhu Geliang that takes care for this matter all the time is not to suffer really, during be attacked the 3rd times, forever sleep deeply ……


Although do not have the depict in the novel,Zhuge shines in that way wonderful foresight, but carry belong to the same organization of ” of “ ask ab. to take up a resposible post repeatedly, zhu Geliang also is a rare handsome appearance certainly. Because of appreciating his ability and wisdom development understands nowadays and be informed this matter, also really some cannot be accepted. We need to respect historical historical fact, but I wish to let Zhu Geliang be in my heart, maintaining the image of ” of god of a “ forever!
