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2022-05-15 12:35:19初二访问手机版108

In actual life, have a lot of time, the person must want to make concession, each other give way, the life just can become more harmonious. And in me “ in memory gives way ” , make me benefit a lot.


Memorial door is slow open, feeling is unable to bear or endure before gallopping that wet and windy in the evening: On the main street that crosses genu in a seeper, below the illuminate of faint light, I am maintaining umbrella, hard in flood take a step ahead. Very hard under, I arrived buffet, bought a thing, after paying hastily in shade of disease pace Yu Yu, I want to come home at once!


Rainwater is so mad, fresh gale is so crude, thunder is so merciless! In flood, my trousers is imperceptible already drenched. Nice not easy gift returns the home, I am used to the more than money after the ground counts deal, do not become aware the ground hit a belch, the boss sought 10 fund less fully! A lightning has flown outside house, next thunder is deafening. “ goes back to say with the boss be clear about! Buffet boss follows us at ordinary times ripe, 10 money are to won't have come to those who answer not have. ” I mutter ceaselessly in the heart. I see a window outside, one inky, violent storm. I hesitated, the heart thinks: Still will go again tomorrow.


Outdoor heavy rain resembles maniac, flapping ceaselessly building this group of puny children. At this moment, I remembered a boss, old is amiable however. The composition classeses are over every time rain heavily, we can go his buffet avoids rain to go again. He entertains us enthusiasticly still, still can send us to come home sometimes.


Recall the past event in me when, transmitted suddenly blast knock hurriedly sound. I hasten open the door, it is a boss so. His hair is completely wet, dripping downward ceaselessly water, his dress can twist an one grail water to come almost. His left hand is taking an umbrella, right closefisted is holding 10 cash closely, keep coughing. His right hand is shaking ceaselessly, hand me those 10 money, sound shakily says: “ looked for …… less 10 money. Know you are lived in fortunately! Had taken. The windstorm outside ” house is blown so that window bang bang makes sound. The boss says hasty face about left.


I stand over, logy, as if what thing melted my heart. The elements is insane and such, he returns …… to heat up a tear gradually dip became red my eye. Outside looking at a window neigh fierce wind, I as if saw the boss is gallopping in rain, hurried back buffet ……


The boss' action makes I am benefited all one's life, he makes me clear: Corrupt read aloud should give way to sincere letter “ ” ! Know the person that gives way to the person, meeting the respect that can win others more. In our actual society, lack namely like the boss the person of such sincere letter guileless. What the person of those corrupt petty gain wins is money, the most precious thing —— in losing life however sincere letter.
